We’re downsizing and moving out of state from Nashville, TN to Key West, FL. We currently live in a 2,400 sqft home and downsizing to 1,200 sqft. We aren’t new to living in a smaller home, we’re just new to having kids, dogs, and a job that requires lots and lots of tools. The hardest part is getting rid of everything that doesn’t bring you joy only to be left with the things you love but you know they don’t fit. For example, our kids have there own bedrooms now and will be sharing once we move. We don’t have room for a dresser but I love the IKEA Cane DIY Dresser I made and I love the vintage style Pottery Barn Dresser Liv has had since I was pregnant with her. I love both of these items and they hold sentimental value but we don’t have the space.

There were so many great ideas and tips for downsizing that we decided to round them all up to share, because downsizing is TOUGH. No matter how big or how small your house is. Parting with belongs that are just “stuff” can be incredibly hard for someone who grew up with very little.

My mom grew up with a huge family and she always told me that she always felt loved but later realized she grew up poor when she became an adult. She now holds onto things in a way because she didn’t have them before. They also downsized and ended up getting a storage unit to store things they didn’t get rid of. It’s been close to a year now and that storage unit is still full. I’m 100% not outing you, Mo! However, that’s not the route we’re going to take. But let’s face it, it’s hard. There is no right or wrong way to downsize. So do what feels right.

Downsizing Tips + Tricks Before you Move

  • If you can buy it/find it in less then 20 minutes for $20 or less you don’t need to take it.
  • Get rid of as much as you can before your moving day!
  • Wait till you’ve lived in the space a bit to get big ticket furniture.
  • Be ruthless! Once it’s gone you’ll forget it ever existed in your life.
  • Follow organization accounts on Instagram. **Definitely share you favorite organization accounts with me!
  • Get rid of all those kitchen gadgets! Invest money into multipurpose kitchen pieces.
  • Purge continuously, there is no one BIG PURGE. 
  • Donate all movies, books and CDs. **We love physical books and records.
  • Rent a storage unit for a few months. **If it doesn’t fit we’re leaving it. Because out of site out mind is a big issue for us.
  • Keep what you need and really love or rare things you know you can’t find again.
  • Measure everything, sometimes it takes knowing the new space to figure out what you can keep.
  • Gift sentimental things to family and loved ones. **Love this idea.
  • Get rid of more than you’re planning now BEFORE you get to the new place.
  • Don’t get rid of anything you can’t replace even if it seems frivolous.
  • If you haven’t touched or worn it in 6 months to a year, donate it.
  • Turn hangers backwards and if you wear the item turn the hanger regular. Any backwards hangers after 6 months get donated.
  • Try on every article of clothing and see if it still fits and you like it. If not, donate!
  • Keep tabs on what you bring into your new space so you don’t re-accumulate.
  • Get rid of your furniture and get smaller, non-bulky and smart furniture that is multipurpose.
  • Sell everything and start fresh. Things are just things! **This would be true if we weren’t in a pandemic and having supply issues for things that take 6 months – 1 year for delivery.
  • In the kitchen invest in pieces that look beautiful and work.
  • Get rid of duplicates. You don’t need 8 spatulas, 3 frying pans, etc…you just need 1
  • Do not keep purely decorative objects, everything needs to serve a purpose. **This is hard being in the design industry.
  • Organize toys into little bins and whatever doesn’t fit goes to donation.
  • Keep one major piece that you LOVE per room and design a new room from there.
  • Pack the things that are most important first. Everything else is free game!

Things to Think about When you Want to Keep Something


  • Can your bed fit under storage bins? If not, maybe get one that can store bins for clothes.

  • Ottomans can double for storage for sheets and blankets.

  • Do it in phases: 1st phase while moving and 2nd phase in the new house.
  • Do not keep anything that is not multipurpose.
  • Make sure everything you keep has a “home” to keep things tidy and organized.
  • Multi-purpose is key! An intentional use for each and every space.
  • Envision your new space and try to maintain a flow with what you choose to keep.

Some Words of Wisdom When Downsizing

  • Downsizing helps you clarify what makes your living space feel like home.

  • Make every space count. Store any bulk and back stock items out of sight in a storage room.

  • You need LESS than you think. You will end up getting rid of more after you move.
  • Unpack as you move in otherwise you will run out of space.
  • Remember that it is only objects. Many of which just stay on a shelf.
  • You can still love something and not own it any longer.
  • Tie memories to people or places not things.
  • Cry if you need to cry. Selling everything is hard. **PREACH.
  • You have to just resign yourself that you can’t take everything. **Yes, oh my gosh. Still coming to terms with this.


Downsizing is extremely hard when moving, this week we’ll be tackling our closets. I’ll be sharing more on how we’re determining what we’re keeping and what we’re donating, best ways to donate clothing, best ways to move clothing.

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